



SPS requires strong Industry Partners to offer the Career Connected Learning that makes a CTE program so unique.


  • 参与 人才招聘会往往会
  • 参观一间教室或学校 职业演说家
  • 作为一名学生参与课堂活动 行业专家志愿者
  • 开放的工作地点 工作之旅 or 实地考察旅行
  • 提供一个 工作的影子 经验
  • 提供了一个 实习,已注册的 学徒,或者 临床 经验


Complete 合伙权益表 and select the career activities or programs you are interested in. A member of our CTE Team will contact you to discuss your selection and help you to engage with students and teachers.


Career Connected Learning ensures that every student can combine classroom learning and workplace skills to build their confidence and be successful after they graduate.

Exploratory career programs or activities provide exposure to jobs and industries as early as elementary school. 这些活动旨在提高对职业的认识, 工作场所规范和雇主期望, 以及学生的个人兴趣和天赋. 

Advance programs provide academic skills and hands-on 经验 to prepare for future jobs. Activities are designed to provide an in-depth discovery of a particular career and the development of the skills and understanding of the education or training needed in a particular industry or occupation.  


为满足特定的学习成果而设计的, 职业演说家的演讲具有丰富的教育意义, 与课程挂钩吗, 并帮助学生将他们在学校学到的知识与工作场所联系起来. 演讲通常在学校进行, 但在某些情况下, speakers may “visit” a classroom electronically via Microsoft Teams or some other technology. 

你将如何与教室联系? 选择职业演讲嘉宾 合伙权益表 当这些程序正在寻找合作伙伴展示时,接收电子邮件.  

时间的承诺: 1 day; can range from 1- 5 class periods (about 35 minutes per class period)

人才招聘会往往会 are events that give students and CTE partners a chance to meet one another, 建立专业关系, 讨论他们的职业领域. SPS has both general and specialized 人才招聘会往往会 which happen at our high schools on an annual basis. These events are organized by Career Connected Learning Coordinators at the school.  

你怎么知道接下来会发生什么? 选择招聘会 合伙权益表格 当这些程序正在寻找合作伙伴展示时,接收电子邮件. 

时间的承诺: 1 day; can range from 2 – 4 hours per school 

行业专家志愿者分享他们的知识, time and skills to support teachers and connect what students are learning in the classroom to a career. Some examples include visiting a classroom as a guest judge for student projects, 进行模拟面试, or collaborating with a teacher to provide a workplace challenge in the classroom.  

你将如何与老师联系? 选择行业专家志愿者上 合伙权益表格 to receive emails when these programs are looking for partners to collaborate with.  

时间的承诺: 根据志愿者活动而定

A Workplace Tour is a highly-structured activity in which students visit a workplace, 了解业务, 满足员工, 提出问题并观察工作进展. 不仅仅是简单的实地考察或实地考察, a Workplace Tour is designed and structured to meet specific learning outcomes, 在教育上富有, 建立企业的知名度, 它的工业部门, 它在经济中的作用以及它提供的职业选择. 

旅行是如何安排的?? 选择“工作场所之旅” 合伙权益表格 当这些程序正在寻找要访问的位置时接收电子邮件. You can also share a specific date/time/agenda for a 工作之旅 you have already planned, 我们将帮助学校/学生报名.  

时间的承诺: 1 day; can range from 1.5 - 4小时 

Job Shadowing is a structured activity in which a student is paired with and observes the workday of a business partner, interacts with his or her clients or customers and attends meetings and other appointments with the person they are shadowing. Designed to help students explore a field of interest while developing research skills and building occupational knowledge, 工作的影子ing is conducted at the workplace and occurs over most of the workday. 

如何创造体验? 选择工作的阴影 合伙权益表格 to receive emails when these programs are looking for locations for students to visit. You can also share a specific date/time/agenda for a 工作的影子 you have already planned.  

时间的承诺: 1 day; can range from 3 – 5 hours 

实习是一个高度结构化的过程, time-limited activity in which students are placed at a worksite to 参与 and observe work first-hand. 实习 provide students the opportunity to learn by doing real work and being productively engaged in the workplace. 他们可能会提供团队合作的机会, 完成一个项目, 或者在多个部门和工作职能之间轮换. 

学生如何获得实习机会? 选择实习 合伙权益表格 to connect with our CTE Internship Coordinator to create 实习 opportunities for students. You can also send 实习 postings you have available; they will be shared with schools/students/staff to apply.

时间的承诺: 理想情况下,至少90个小时,为学生提供高中学分 

Students in Health and Medical Science courses integrate knowledge acquired in the classroom with 临床 practice in a variety of healthcare settings with patients at different stages of medical practice to understand the scope of healthcare professions and practice the skills they have learned in the classroom. 

学生将如何参与? 选择临床经验 合伙权益表格 to connect with our Health and Medical program staff to create opportunities for students. 

时间的承诺: The days and hours of 临床 经验 are to be planned by the faculty of School and partnering organization.  

Students 参与 programs that have been formally recognized by the 华盛顿 State Apprenticeship Training Council as an 学徒 preparation program, 或 注册为劳工及工业(L&I), and are participating in an 学徒 program registered in 华盛顿. 

学生如何申请学徒? 选择“学徒” 合伙权益表格 to connect with our CTE Team to see if your Apprenticeship program fits into one of our current high school career programs. You can also send Apprenticeship postings you have available; they will be shared with schools/students/staff to apply.  

时间的承诺: 不同,通常是持续的支持.

CTE工作组可以包括与CTE课程专家的合作, 教师或其他地区工作人员的课程整合, 研究项目, 职业规划咨询小组, or other collaboration projects that impact students courses or programmatic components.

你将如何参与? 选择“CTE工作组” 合伙权益表格 联系CTE课程专家. 

时间的承诺: 根据项目的不同,每季度或更频繁地进行沟通或会议.



  • Community Involvement- Help strengthen communities for a stronger economic future. 
  • Help shape the future workforce- Enhance School curriculum to match what the workforce needs. 
  • 让学生了解你的行业,了解生产性工作的好处. 
  • Observe students’ potential for “long-term” job opportunities after 高中. 
  • Build relationships with youth and potentially increase retention rates by creating a positive 经验. 
  • Gain pre-trained future employees- save time training future employees when hired. 
  • 学生提供了接触新鲜观点的途径. 
  • 在你现在的员工中培养领导和管理技能. 

联系闪烁Familiare tafamiliare@healthydairyland.com or CareerConnected@healthydairyland.com 了解更多.